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20 april 2023 – CFE Forum 2023 on the topic “Towards a More Cohesive European Fiscal Union? Minimum Tax & VAT in the Digital Age” in Brussels

donderdag 20 april 2023 van 08:00 - 17:00

CFE Forum 2023: Towards a More Cohesive European Fiscal Union?  Minimum Tax & VAT in the Digital Age

CFE Tax Advisers Europe’s 2023 Forum will take place on Thursday 20 April 2023 in Brussels on the topic of “Towards a More Cohesive European Fiscal Union?  Minimum Tax & VAT in the Digital Age“. These two key European Commission projects mark another milestone in the deepening of EU fiscal integration. The Directive on Minimum Tax which implements Pillar 2 has been adopted and is now EU law. The directive relies on a degree of inter-nation fiscal equity, with minimum common standards for paying a ‘fair share’ of tax. Member states, tax administrations, companies and advisers all have questions about the implementation and the mechanism of operation. On the other hand, the US, having signed up to Pillar 2, has not implemented the agreement. CFE will seek to clarify the main issues surrounding the practical application of the new directive as well as the issues posed by the lack of US implementation for taxpayers and wider.

On the other hand, similar developments have already been occurring in the indirect tax area. VAT, which as an area of competence for the EU, has evolved alongside the European project and is now entering the digital age. To discuss the VAT in the Digital Age EU package, CFE has invited a number of speakers to consider the policy side as well as the technical implications.

More details about the programme and line-up of speakers will be made available in due course.



donderdag 20 april 2023
08:00 - 17:00
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